
Ruta da Auga




The route starts from the Fuente Vieja (16th century monument that gathers, in a vaulted room afterwards, the waters of several springs) by the street of Álvaro Cunqueiro. At 50 meters approximately, the street is left to pass under a house. As you pass, turn left and continue straight along a path that offers an interesting panoramic view of Mondoñedo. At 325 meters, next to the information panel of Los Árboles de la Ruta, you will find the Cora Cross at that crossroads.
The route continues marked with correct road markings (=) and wrong road (X).
After the fall of the bridge that crossed the river Valiñadares to the height of the mill of Lavapés, the provisional step is the bridge of the Quarry, that returns us to the route to be able to make the ascent to the Jump of the Chorus.

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3.8 km.

Estimated Duration:
